[ A C T I V A T I O N S ]     






The highest level potency of Ashtara's light language activationsĀ are updated monthly on the PHI template and 12th Dimensional grid in the Starseed Energetics Advanced community via Patreon. Upon signing up, you receive access to a library full of highest frequency activations that assist you on every aspect of your reality.Ā 

Select either;

PHI Activations or 12th Dimensional Activations

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The 4th dimensional subharmonic of our conceivable time-space universe contains within its essence a higher octave of its living expression in what one can refer as the 16th dimension.

From this powerful activation of activating, anchoring and breathing awareness into the 16th dimensional advanced time template, your conscious relationship with the higher potentials of the time continuum awakens and liberates.


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Hyperdimensional starseeds originating from advanced densities are prone to feel a sense of homelessness and total lack of security on the Earth's plane, manifesting into complex and isolating environments that perpetuate a constant state of internal disconnection. 

In activating conscious connection with the Mothership, witness the experience of Earth shift into profound love, abundance and connection. This is your Mothership Arrival.


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True forgiveness is a euphoric and blissful process that clears space for miracles in your life to pour in, once you learn to do it wholeheartedly. 

Total and complete forgiveness is a foundational process of actualising your highest potentials in your default state of being. This process mends the split between your ideal reality vs. current reality. Enjoy this total completion process reduced to a single activation system.  


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Download all three activations for a special bundle price (16D Time Template + Mothership Arrival + Clear & Forgive). 


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